FoCo Comic Con FAQ

  • When is FC3?
    FC3 2024 is August 16-18 at the Fort Collins Senior Center from 3PM to 8PM on Friday, 9AM to 7PM on Saturday and Sunday, with Vendor hours from 10AM to 6PM on SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY. There are no vendor hours on Friday.
  • Are there any special guests?
    Watch our homepage for ongoing updates.
  • Can I take pictures with guests or get them to sign things?
    This varies on a guest-by-guest basis.
  • How much are badges?
    Ages 13+ Badges: $25
    Ages 6-12: $10
    5 and under: Free
    Psst: you can also volunteer for a 2-3 hour shift and get in for the rest of the weekend for free!
  • When do badges go on sale?
    July 7 at 7PM. Badges can ONLY be purchased on the Fort Collins Comic Con website but can be picked up from a few participating local geek or comic book stores specified on purchase.
  • When do Vendor Booths go on sale?
    Early May (usually 5/5 or thereabouts) and when we run out, we run out. You can ask to be put on a waitlist, and we do sometimes have to reach into the waitlist to fill last-minute no-shows.
  • When can I pick up my badges?
    Badges should be ready to pick up from the comic book store you specified within 48 hours of your order, if not earlier. If you purchase your badge fewer than 2-3 days out from FC3, you will have to pick up your badge on the day of the Con. Take your receipt with you and TREAT YOUR BADGE LIKE CASH. Badges will be available for pickup from the store until ONE WEEK BEFORE THE CON, after which point you must pick up your badge from the Attendee Check-In booth at the Con.
  • Will badges be available at the Con?
  • Can I volunteer to get a badge?
    Yes, absolutely. As long as there are volunteer spots open. Volunteer spots are announced on or around the same date that Badges go on sale.
  • When does Cosplay registration begin?
    We’re actively working on Cosplay registration rules that allow you to register on-site on the same day and no one will be prevented from showing off their work even if they don’t want it judged or miss a deadline.
  • Have the Cosplay rules changed?
  • Can I buy my badge at the store or another website? Can I buy additional badges from the store or another website?
    No, all badges have to be purchased from the Fort Collins Comic Con website. Anyone trying to sell you a badge other than us is most likely scamming you.
  • What happens if I don’t pick up my badge?
    Badges will be available for pickup from the store until your venue of choice closes on the Thursday before FC3! You can pick it up on the day of the Con. We don’t recommend this, as you’ll probably have to wait in line. We’ll have it at the Attendee Check-In booth for you on the day of the Con.
  • Can I pick my badge up on the day of the Con?
    Yes, just come straight to the Con and pick up your badge from the Attendee check-in booth. We highly recommend advanced pick-up, as you’ll probably have to wait in line the day of the Con.
  • Will there be child-friendly activities?
    Absolutely! For our youngest superheroes, there will be a superhero training camp featuring feats of strength, problem-solving, and creativity. For older kiddos, we have a video game lounge and table top gaming area, and panels specifically for kiddos who want to learn how to create something of their very own.
  • Will there be panels and vending hours on Friday?
    Friday: Panels, but No Vendor Hours
    Saturday: Vendor Area + Panels + Cosplay Competition
    Sunday: Vendor Area + Panels + Cosplay Competition
  • Is there going to be food at the Con?
    There are a large number of wonderful food spots nearby, including Totally 80’s Pizza, Mod Pizza, Jimmy John’s, Gib’s Bagels, and more!
  • Is there alcohol sold at the Con?
    No alcohol will be sold or allowed at the Con.
  • Will there be an ATM?
    Not on site.
  • Where do I need to park?
    We highly encourage you to use Transfort or to walk or bike in from Rolland Moore Park or the Spring Creek Trail if you can. If you can’t, here’s a map of suggested parking – please be mindful of any signage and be courteous to any businesses:
Suggested Parking For The Fort Collins Senior Center