
All rules are subject to change without notice.

Table of Contents

Anti-Harassment Policy

Fort Collins Comic Con is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, physical appearance, body size, race and/or color, national origin and/or citizenship, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of any kind during the Fort Collins Comic Con Events.

Harassment includes verbal, written, or physical conduct and any actions (directly or indirectly) that are unwelcome and are intimidating, hostile, or offensive in nature.

Prohibited behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Slurs, jokes, and/or derogatory comments;
  • Inappropriate nicknames, descriptions and/or labels;
  • Graphic verbal commentaries about an individual’s body;
  • Sexually degrading words used to describe an individual’s body;
  • Sexual images in public spaces;
  • Deliberate intimidation;
  • Stalking and/or following;
  • Harassing photography or recording;
  • Sustained disruption of panels or other events;
  • Blocking an individual’s movements;
  • Unwelcome sexual attention, and;
  • Unwelcome physical contact.

Such conduct may constitute as harassment even if it is not directed at a particular individual but takes place within someone’s viewing or hearing.

This policy is in effect at the Fort Collins Comic Con Conference, during vendor/sponsor set up/tear down, and at any other events hosted by the Fort Collins Comic Con. This policy applies to all attendees, employees, volunteers, vendors, sponsors, and panelists.

Complaints of harassment will be taken seriously and appropriate action, up to and including, being expelled from the event without a refund, may be taken.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of conference staff immediately. Conference staff can be identified by a special badge color (purple). All complaints of harassment will be thoroughly, promptly, and objectively investigated. Conference staff may request statements from individuals involved, ask for witnesses, or take any other steps necessary to complete a thorough investigation before taking appropriate action.

All conference staff are able to help participants contact venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the conference. We value your attendance and are dedicated to creating a safe and secure conference for everyone.

Contact information:

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Privacy and Usage Policy

The Fort Collins Comic Con website is public and the things you upload/post/add here are immediately viewable and searchable by anyone around the world. You can use our website under a pseudonym if you prefer not to use your real name.

When you create an account on this site, you provide us with personal information that includes your name and a password. You can also choose to add other personal or business information to your profile to allow others to connect with you.

Even if you aren’t signed in to an account, you might choose to provide us with information — like an email address to receive updates about our services or your billing information when purchasing a Fort Collins Comic Con badge.

We give you control through your settings to limit the data we collect from you and how we use it, and to control things like account security and marketing preferences.

The Information We Collect About You

The information Fort Collins Comic Con collects, and how that information is used, depends on how you interact with this site and how you manage your privacy controls.

The content you create, upload, or receive from others when using this site is saved in the database, server files, and backups in order to display it on this site. This includes things like posts you write and receive, photos and videos you save or upload to the site, and comments you make.

In general, the content you add to the site is used only to facilitate the interactions and activity that you’d intended. We might use the information we collect, like your email address, to interact with you directly. For example, we may send you a notification if someone you follow posts a new entry. Or we may let you know about upcoming events that we’re organizing.

Under no circumstances will we ever sell your information or intentionally misuse it.

Our services are not directed to children, and you may not use our services if you are under the age of 13. You must also be old enough to consent to the processing of your personal data in your country (in some countries we may allow your parent or guardian to do so on your behalf).

We may revise this policy from time to time and by using this site you agree to the Privacy Policy.

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Recommendations for Parents of Young Children

  1. We highly recommend writing YOUR emergency contact number on your children’s badges. There is a space for you to do so printed right on the badge. This is the first number we will call in the event you are separated.
  2. When entering the Fort Collins Senior Center: Note the location of the Information Desk; it is a great place to meet-up in the event that you are separated. It’s right next to the front entrance and staffed with volunteers.
  3. When entering the Fort Collins Senior Center: Note our volunteers with Fort Collins Comic Con badges with a BLUE “VOLUNTEER” or a PURPLE “STAFF” type printed on the front. These people are here to help you in the event of an emergency.
  4. If you become separated from your child, please notify a Fort Collins Comic Con volunteer; instruct your children to do the same.
  5. Any lost children will be brought to the Poudre River Public Library info booth at the Front Desk.
  6. Children under 12 years of age must not be unattended. If a parent/caregiver cannot be found, the conference staff will notify security.
  7. Please do not allow your children to run, there’s a lot of caped/winged/sharp superheroes about who might not see them.
  8. Children must wear shoes.
  9. Parents or guardians of children ages 5 and younger may wear their children’s badges if needed. If you do so, please consider requesting a wristband from our Information Booth so you may write your phone number on it before attaching it to the child.
  10. If your child is an attendee, but you are not, you will be required to show ID so we may verify your identity before you are allowed to enter the Fort Collins Senior Center. While inside, you will be escorted by one of our volunteers and/or members of our security team. We reserve the right to verify with the child and other parents and/or guardians before releasing them to you.

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Rules for All Attendees

Purchase, acceptance, and/or usage of a Fort Collins Comic Con badge or the Fort Collins Comic Con website indicates agreement with the following terms and conditions:

  1. Your badge cannot be replaced if stolen, lost, or destroyed and is valid only for the day for which it is issued.
  2. Your badge cannot be altered in any way and will be void if done so.
  3. This badge is not transferable or redeemable for cash.
  4. Reproduction of this badge is not permitted. Fake badges will be confiscated and you will be permabanned from future conferences.
  5. Unauthorized or unlawful resale or attempted resale is prohibited by law and grounds for seizure without compensation.
  6. Fort Collins Comic Con badges may only be purchased from the website and only for personal use. You may not buy badges with the intent to resell them.
  7. Management reserves the right to revoke/refuse admission or to eject any person who fails to comply with the rules of the show, venue, and all applicable laws, without refund.
  9. Badge holder assumes all risk and danger or personal injury, damage to property, including death, and all other hazards arising from, or related in any way to, the event for which the badge is issued, caused by negligence, gross negligence, or otherwise, and the holder releases Fort Collins Comic Con, any and all sponsors, employees, volunteers and its agents from any and all liabilities/claims resulting from such risk, danger, damage, injury or death.
  10. Badge holder consents to the use of his/her image or likeness by media now known or hereafter devised for advertising, sale and/or other promotional purposes. If you have a Comic Con badge on, plan on that you might be in a few photos by either conference staff or other attendees.
  11. Badge holder agrees to not take pictures or video where posted as prohibited.
  12. Please read our Anti-Harassment Policy thoroughly.
  13. No signs offering services or making requests to be hugged or touched. No other signs of any kind (conference staff has the final say).
  14. You must wear shoes.
  15. Water bottles are allowed. Stay hydrated.
  16. Do not cut any lines.
  17. Be respectful to your fellow con-goers.
  18. If you or someone near you needs help, alert a Fort Collins Comic Con volunteer right away.
  19. Fort Collins Comic Con is a family-friendly conference. Please watch the swear words (particularly around children).

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Rules for Volunteers

Volunteering for Fort Collins Comic Con, acceptance, and/or usage of the Volunteer badge indicates agreement with the following terms and conditions:

  1. Your actions reflect on Fort Collins Comic Con. If your behavior does not reflect well on our event, you will be ejected from the Con.
  2. You must wear your badge at all times, even when outside.
  3. Volunteer assumes all risk and danger or personal injury, damage to property, including death, and all other hazards arising from, or related in any way to, the event, caused by negligence, gross negligence, or otherwise, and the attendee releases Fort Collins Comic Con, any and all sponsors, employees, volunteers and its agents from any and all liabilities/claims resulting from such risk, danger, damage, injury or death.
  4. Volunteer Coordinators are your first and last point of contact for any questions, concerns, or comments.
  5. When in doubt, always send your question up the chain. If an attendee feels harassed or threatened, you should report it to the closest STAFF member and escort the attendee to the volunteer break area.
  6. If you do not feel safe while performing your volunteer assignment, leave the area immediately and inform Volunteer Coordinators.

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Rules for Cosplayers

  1. All costumes must be PG-friendly, have shoes (with a hard sole), and ensure all private parts are substantially covered/undergarments are worn. Minimum skin coverage rule of thumb: 30% (Borat swimsuit and/or pasties and a g-string do not constitute an acceptable cosplay).
  2. Prop weapons MUST be rendered completely inoperable, clearly distinguishable at a cursory glance from a real weapon, and totally, utterly incapable of harming the badgeholder or another attendee. Also:
    • Projectiles (including weapon ammo like airsoft pellets, BBs, and arrows) are strictly forbidden.
    • Firearm props must have a clearly visible orange cap on the barrel.
    • Metal and ceramic weapons are not allowed (including bladed weapons, swords, knives, or sharpened edges of any kind).
    • Prop weapons must be made of lightweight materials such as foam, cardboard, or plastic.
    • Sharpened edges of any kind are not allowed, including on armor, shields, or other tools.
    • Bats and heavy blunt instruments (cricket, baseball, golf clubs, paddles, furniture legs, etc) are not allowed – however, facsimiles made of lightweight material may be allowed (e.g.: if you paint a hollow, plastic baseball bat to look like a real bat, and it’s very clearly fake and incapable of causing harm, we’ll have no problem with that).
  3. All props must be peacebonded by Fort Collins Comic Con staff. After inspection, all guns will have zipties attached to the trigger to indicate it is unusable as a weapon, and safe for display. The cosplayer will be given a sticker to indicate that they have completed peacebonding. Peacebonding is mandatory. You may also be checked at any time by Fort Collins Comic Con staff.
  4. Props may not be brandished in a threatening manner. If you leave Fort Collins Comic Con, please put away any weapon props.
  5. If your costume could be confused for local law enforcement, please don’t wear that costume.
  6. Hate symbols or cosplay elements that could be confused for hate symbols are not allowed at Fort Collins Comic Con (badges, tattoos, etc…)
  7. Fort Collins Comic Con staff have the right to modify these rules on the spot to protect conference attendees and the safety of the event.
  8. Be courteous of other attendees when posing for photography. Do not block walkways, doors, elevators, or stairs.
  9. Fort Collins Comic Con, employees, volunteers, and sponsors are not responsible for damage incurred to your costume during the conference, and the staff reserves the right to ask you to change if your outfit is not acceptable.

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Rules for Vendors

  1. All vendors must complete a Vendor Agreement (found at: before their booth purchase is finalized (by purchasing you agree to the terms of the Vendor Agreement).
  2. By filling out the application form for a booth spot on our website ( you’re indicating interest in potentially vending at Fort Collins Comic Con. An application doesn’t guarantee you a spot, a specific booth, or a specific type of booth. An approved application allows you the chance to purchase a booth. If we’re not able to accommodate you, we’ll refund your reservation and let you know in advance of the Con.
  3. Fort Collins Comic Con reserves the right to rescind/refund any booth reservation payment for any reason at any time.
  4. Fort Collins Comic Con will do our best to ensure that no shenanigans, antics, or Quark-like schemes befall the booth reservation process, and reserve the right to update the tools, rules, pricing, or processes at any time to best serve the interests of the Con at large.
  5. Fort Collins Comic Con, employees, volunteers, and sponsors are not responsible for damage incurred to your product or display during the conference or load-in, and the staff reserves the right to ask you to remove dangerous or obscene material from your booth area.
  6. All vendors are responsible for complying with venue policies as well as cleaning up after themselves before, during, and after the event.

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Rules for Vendor Area

  1. If you want to commission a drawing from a particular artist, get to them as early as possible. Some artists handle their commissions first-come-first-serve, some do it via lottery, some have other systems entirely. Regardless, get to your chosen artist(s) early to find out, what they do and if they have time to meet your request.
  2. Please do not put food or beverage containers, bags, backpacks, or anything down on an artist’s table without permission, especially not on their artwork.
  3. Please do not lean on an artist’s table, especially not on their artwork.
  4. DO NOT take photographs in the Vendor Area unless you get permission from the artist.
  5. Do not go behind the artist’s table unless expressly invited by the artist to do so.
  6. Do not obstruct an artist’s table while in Vendor Area unless you’re buying from them, or talking to them.
  7. If you’ve just eaten, make sure you clean your hands thoroughly before browsing through an artist’s work. Nothing gets a food stain out of paper.

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Rules for Panels and Panelists

  1. All Panels/Session submissions are open approximately 4-5 months before the date of the Con. All panels will be selected and panelists notified at least a month before the date of the Con. Fort Collins Comic Con staff makes all final decisions with regards to programming and scheduling, no whining. Space is limited.
  2. All Panels/Sessions should end 10 minutes before the next panel begins. No exceptions will be possible as we have a strict schedule to adhere to and rooms need to be readied for the next presenters.
  3. All Panel/Session rooms are equipped with a table, digital projector, and screen. We should have universal connectors but to be safe bring your own.
  4. Fort Collins Comic Con cannot provide the use of computers or laptops. If you plan on having an AV presentation, please bring your own laptop with your files backed up on a USB drive. We encourage other panelists to bring a second computer in case of the blue screen of death. There is no guarantee of WiFi or Internet even though the venue does provide free WiFi (ie: if every attendee is on it, we might not have it as fast/available as you’d like).
  5. Fort Collins Comic Con does not encourage the use of VCRs, 16mm projectors, Xbox, PlayStations or Commodore 64s to use for your panel presentation. So don’t try.
  6. Fort Collins Comic Con will try to assist in specific scheduling needs on a case by case basis. So email early and we’ll do our best.
  7. Fort Collins Comic Con reserves the right to adjust the time and location of your panel at any time to best fit with our schedule of events. We will try and notify you 24 hours in advance of any changes in the schedule.
  8. A submission is not a guarantee of a presentation at Fort Collins Comic Con. We strive to give our attendees the best programming possible thus we will ensure the quality of your panel/session content. So take some time, do some research, prepare and impress us with your submission.
  9. Videotaping or digital filming is prohibited in any panel by any attendee or panel participant, without advance permission from the person giving the panel.
  10. Fort Collins Comic Con does not pay speaking fees or appearance fees. Nor does it cover travel, lodging or meals of any panelist or presenter.
  11. Fort Collins Comic Con cannot connect panel submissions and/or presenters with any of our Celebrity or Artist Guests. Attempts to contact our guests or ask for their participation in your panel(s) without Fort Collins Comic Con’s prior approval will be grounds for immediate disqualification and cancellation of our panel.
  12. Approved panels will be allotted a free day-pass for the day of the panel only, for a maximum of 2 panelists, including the moderator(s). Only panelists who participate will be granted a pass, and all panelists must participate extensively in the session. No additional free passes will be granted for any reason. Because of space limitations, we ask you to make maximum use of your free badges. If you plan to attend Fort Collins Comic Con, make a day of it or hand back your badge so someone else can enjoy it. Additional passes may be purchased through the Fort Collins Comic Con website.
  13. Fort Collins Comic Con is a family-friendly conference. We will not approve any “adult”, “after-dark”, or “explicit” content. So please keep it to PG-13 and watch the swear words (particularly around children).
  14. Panelists should arrive at their presentation room 20 minutes early and check in with the Room Coordinator.
  15. Proposals that are largely self-promotional will be strictly scrutinized and are unlikely to be approved.
  16. Programming submissions must be primarily educational in focus.

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Rules for Cosplay Contest

Fort Collins Comic Con Cosplay Contest Rules


  1. If you have worked professionally in any costuming or in a fabrication field that is represented in your work, you are not eligible to enter any category other than masters.
  2. Street clothes are defined as pre-made or purchased items used in the creation of your cosplay. Things that DO NOT count towards street clothes include undergarments, hose, wig bases and shoes. 
  3. You must enter the category that fits you best (if you are unsure, reach out to us).
    1. If you enter a category that is below your skill level on purpose, you will be removed from the contest for this year.
    2. We will not move you categories unless it is absolutely necessary.
  4. If you are competing as a duo or group, you must enter at the skill level of your highest-skilled competitor, but if the judges are notified of each contestant’s skill level, they will judge them accordingly.  
  5. A build book is required for all beginner, intermediate, and master competitors.
    1. If you have questions on what a build book is and how to make one, please email
  6. All cosplays MUST adhere to the general Fort Collins Comic Con cosplay rules.
    1. This includes getting everything prop checked BEFORE your judging time slot.
    3. Shoes are required, even for barefoot characters. 
  7. Any cosplay that has previously won an award, at any level, is not permitted.
  8. All craftsmanship participants are required to do craftsmanship prejudging.
    1. You will be assigned a judging time ahead of the convention. If this time does not work for you, we will do our best to squeeze you in elsewhere but please note that it is first come, first serve.
    2. You will be asked during registration if you have any panels and we will work with the programming coordinator to ensure that it does not conflict. If a mistake happens, please reach out ASAP. 
  9. Contestants may choose to not wear their cosplay for their judging time; however, they must still present all of the pieces to the judges and must be in their full cosplay during the stage portion of the show. 
  10. There is a maximum allotment of 25-30 contestants (outside of kids)
    1. If all slots are filled online before the contest day, we will start a waitlist. 
    2. The amount of contestants is defined by how many we have in each category as we only have so much time for the show.
  11. With the exception of Kids and Performance contestants, if you are NOT the creator of the cosplay, you may model the cosplay. However, the creator MUST be present for prejudging and awards.
    1. If you made the majority of it and had help, this is not considered modeled, but the help you received must be disclosed verbally to the judges and in your build book. 
    2. If you are found to be falsifying any information or omitting significant contributors to your cosplay, you will not be eligible to place and may not be allowed to compete in the future. 
  12. Entry slots are non-transferable, unless discussed with the contest coordinator before the contest day and has been approved.
    1. If there is a waitlist, entries will not be transferable in most cases.
  13. If you sign up after the Friday rehearsal time, you will not be permitted to perform with your chosen audio and will just have upbeat music played (We will still ask for info to read during your walk-on!). This is because we have to order everything for our audio team and will not have time to approve and reorder new audio past that time.
    1. This does mean that only kids and craftsmanship contestants can sign up on Saturday.
  14. Group entries may not exceed 4 participants. 
  15. The registration form will ask you if you have any needs that we may need to accommodate. Please fill this out as fully as possible or contact us directly with your needs before the convention. The rooms and performance area are ADA accessible but we want to make sure we are prepared as possible for all of our contestant’s needs ahead of time.


  1. The judges and staff are people who are trying to do their jobs to the best of their ability. The following is not proper conduct:
    1. Harassing the judges or con staff in any manner
    2. Roleplay of any kind in the judging room.
      1. Save the “play” for the stage
    3. Foul language directed at the judges or con staff
    4. Disparaging the judges online or at the convention
  2. Sportsmanship is paramount for contests of any kind but especially in cosplay contests; we are surrounded by our fellow creators and cosplayers who worked just as hard as anyone else and deserve respect.
    1. If you are seen bashing your fellow competitor’s work and/or a judge’s decision, you may be reviewed for being disqualified from participating in future contests (this includes online behavior)
    2. If you have feedback or concerns, please email the coordinator at (Do not contact the judges) 
  3. If you would like your individual feedback and scores from the judges, please visit their tables to chat with them on Sunday.

During the Con:

  1. Green room is mandatory for all contestants (including kids). This is where we will line up all contestants in order. Green Room opens about one hour before showtime and all contestants MUST be in the room 30 minutes before showtime.
    1. If you are not in Green Room on time, you may not be able to get on stage, so you have to be on time!
  2. All online contest entrants must check in with the contest coordinator before 2:30pm on Saturday or you will be removed from the contest line-up. 
  3. If you need a handler, bring someone! If you need more than one though, please notify us during your judging time so we can accommodate space. 
  4. If you are running late to your judging time or you need to drop for any reason, please contact us ASAP! We can try to work with you if you let us know what is going on, and it will let us know if we can squeeze others in your place.
  5. It is good practice to arrive 15 minutes prior to your judging time. It gives us time to make sure that everything is all set and we can run on time as possible. 
  6. There will be a window before Green Room opens that is for last-minute entrants and those who were unable to make their assigned slot.
    1. This is first come, first serve and there will likely be a wait. 
  7. You can check in during your judging time, but if you do not have one, check at the contest table so we know you are still planning to compete and can finalize details with you.

Stage Expectations:

  1. If you would like to have audio for your walk-on, please send it to us!
    1. Craftsmanship contestants have 45 seconds maximum for audio and performance contestants have 2 minutes maximum for audio. 
    2. All audio will be approved before it is played.
    3. Audios must be sent no later than Friday of the convention. (No exceptions) 
    4. Audios must be PG in rating and may not contain offensive content. 
  2. If no audio is submitted, there will be generic upbeat music for you to walk on to, and you will be asked to submit a small snippet of info about your character and/or your build that will be read aloud on stage. (This should be about one paragraph in length)
  3. On Friday of the convention, there will be rehearsal time for participants. If you want to rehearse, you must be there at the start of the time, so we can make sure we have enough time for everyone who needs it.
    1. There will also be time to ask the coordinator any questions that you may have at the start of the rehearsal time. 
  4. Pyrotechnics, glitter, confetti, silly string, etc, are not allowed by any contestant. You must leave the performance area as you found it and undamaged. 
  5. If there is anything that you do that could result in bodily harm to yourself (like acrobatics), it MUST be approved by the contest head and you will be solely responsible if you get hurt
    1. Anything that could potentially harm staff or an audience member will not be permitted under any circumstance.
  6. We do not have the ability to do lighting changes due to our space but you may request a specific start cue (when you walk on stage, after you’ve taken your mark, etc.)
  7. Our stage area is very shallow in comparison to what you may be used to. Please be aware of this for your blocking. 

Special Awards:

  1. There is an Audience Choice award so bring your best for the crowd (and bring friends to cheer you on)!
  2. If we have enough participants, the judges will have the opportunity to award a Judge’s Choice award to the contestant of their choosing.


  1. All participants 12 and under will be entered into this category. 
  2. This is a non-competitive category and is largely for young competitors to dip their toes into the competitive scene and show off their cosplays!
  3. Entrants may choose to sign up for an interview time with the judges if they wish to experience the entire process of a cosplay competition but it is not required.
  4. Kids are encouraged to make portions of their cosplay but it is by no means required. 
  5. A parent or guardian must accompany any kid contestant during the entire process.
  6. Kids will not be able to have personal audio. There will be generic upbeat music for you to walk on to, and you will be asked to submit a small snippet of info about your character and/or your costume that will be read aloud on stage. (This should be about one paragraph in length)


  1. You have never competed in a cosplay contest before and/or have never placed in a contest with a category, craftsmanship, or best-in-show award. (Minor awards are generally acceptable if you were competing at a beginner level)
  2. If you have competed at a cosplay contest in a higher-skill division, you may not enter into beginners.
  3. You must have made at least 25% of your cosplay from scratch with up to 75% street clothes permitted. No more than 50% of street clothes may be unmodified. 
  4. You will have 45 seconds to strut your stuff! You may use as much or as little of that time as you would like. 
  5. You will have 5 minutes privately with the judges to discuss your build.


  1. You have competed in a cosplay contest and have won at least one award in craftsmanship or a beginner category award. You may also choose to enter this category based on your crafting experience.
  2. If you have competed at a cosplay contest in a higher skill category, you may not enter intermediate.
  3. You must have made at least 50% of your cosplay from scratch with up to 50% street clothes permitted. No more than 25% of street clothes may be unmodified. 
  4. You will have 45 seconds to strut your stuff! You may use as much or as little of that time as you would like. 
  5. You will have 5 minutes privately with the judges to discuss your build.


  1. You have competed in a cosplay contest and have won four or more major awards (category, craftsmanship, or best in show). You may also choose to enter this category based on your crafting experience.
    1. If you have worked professionally in any costuming or in a fabrication field that is represented in your work, you are not eligible to enter any category other than masters.
  2. You must have made at least 75% of your cosplay from scratch with up to 25% street clothes permitted. No street clothes may be unmodified. 
  3. You will have 45 seconds to strut your stuff! You may use as much or as little of that time as you would like. 
  4. You will have 7 minutes privately with the judges to discuss your build.


  1. This category is judged solely on your performance.
    1. NO craftsmanship is considered. 
  2. You will have up to 2 minutes for your performance.
    1. You will be allotted 30 seconds for set up and 30 seconds for tear down of the performance area.
      1. You MUST leave the performance area how you found it or you will be disqualified for placement. 
  3. You will be asked to have around a paragraph of introduction that will be read aloud during your set-up time.
    1. This should contain a character or narrative set up for the audience. (Set the scene or atmosphere for everyone!)
  4. ALL audio must be preapproved and must be PG.
    1. If your performance is deemed too suggestive by the judges or contest runners, it will be reviewed for disqualification.
      1. If you are unsure about something, just shoot us an email at!
  5. You may dance or do a skit in this category.
    1. If there is a type of performance that you are interested in doing that is not listed here, shoot us a message and we can discuss if it can be admissible. 
  6. Signups after 6pm on Friday are not permitted for the Performance category. 
  1. Skit
    1. You may do a skit solo or with a maximum 4-person group
    2. Any props must be able to be moved promptly and not pose a hazard to yourself, audience members or the performance area. 
    3. You must set up all props by yourself as we will be unable to provide assistance. 
    4. You must submit your blocking description.
    5. No live audio, all voice lines must be in the audio submitted. 
  2. Dance
    1. Dances may be done solo or with a maximum 4-person group
    2. All dances must fit the PG rating. 
    3. You must submit your blocking description. 
    4. No live audio is permitted. 

If there are any questions that you may have, please email us at and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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